Alex, Derek and Sam

Alex, Derek and Sam

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Day 3...

Bristol to Shrewsbury

The boys set off today in the miserable rain to cover a further 100 odd miles through the Wye Valley eventually finishing off in Shrewsbury.  The going today was much less hilly than the previous days which the boys of course welcomed with open arms.  Some big mile stones included crossing a very windy Old Severn Bridge and of course into picturesque Wales where the rain passed and luckily no dramas today...!

Alex is back in Bristol tonight in time for surgery tomorrow - fingers crossed all goes well (ha...get it?!?)  The technical medical name for the type of injury Alex has sustained in his thumb is called a 'Bennett's Fracture', which is pretty funny, but it doesn't stop there, oh no - The doctor that is treating Alex is called Dr Bennett....which is all a bit too wierd for me!

P x

p.s. If you would still like to very kindly donate, its only a few clicks away - many thanks in advance.

energy Sam?!

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