Alex, Derek and Sam

Alex, Derek and Sam

Friday 27 August 2010

Peaking or Troughing?

As if cycling from Lands End to John O'Groats isn't enough, those crazy boys had to complete the challenge by walking/scaling up the three highest peaks in the UK in under 24 hours.  Starting with Ben Nevis, then Scafell and ending up at Snowdon.  I'm exhausted just typing about it.

I'm pleased to tell you that they achieved said challenge and are all still alive (just).  Here's how it went:

Ben Nevis:                              Scafell:                                 Snowdon:
> start: 15.00                          > start: 12.40                        > start: 9.04
> top: 17.00                           >  top: 02.30                         > top: 10.32
> bottom: 18.26                     >  bottom: 04.10                    > bottom: 11.53

So all in all it took 20 hours 53 mins under some very lucky weather, including a full moon to help them in the dead of the night.  A terrific challenge completed valiantly - congratulations to Derek, Sam and Alex for all their efforts not just for the last 24 hours but over the last 10 days, a huge experience for all involved and most importantly I have just had confirmation that we have reached our £10,000 target for Help the Heroes.  So a huge thank you to each and every one of you for your valued donations.

A big well done to Fi for her excellent support in all spheres from driver, navigator, nurse to chief lunch coordinator etc. 

Well I think this is my last sign off, hope its been an enjoyable read - if you are impressed with this blog I am available as a freelance blogger should you need one... (terms to be negotiated)

"Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines,
but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes"

Polly x

Tuesday 24 August 2010

The Final Day...cycling!

So after 8 long days the final day cycling was upon us! The boys set off for the shortest day of the trip of only 54 miles along the East coast of Scotland finishing up at the famous John O'Groats.  But very quickly the boys ate their words as the 'easiest' day turned out to be one of the hardest with strongest head winds they had experienced on the trip.  However this was coupled with some absolute monster hills proved to be tough for all...well I say all, we just dropped down a gear and we shot up the little hill in the car.

We passed many other cyclists on this section of Scotland either just starting out their adventure down the country, or giving it their all trying to finish it. Many of them solo and carrying gear on the back of their bikes.  I take my hat off to each and every one of them.

After 9 long days, 891 miles, 36,573 meters climbed, 56,376 calories burned (each) and a total of 53 hours on the saddles Derek, Sam and Alex had FINISHED!


Day 8

Loch Ness to Helmsdale

How could I forget to mention that Degsie toppled off his bike posing for a photo on top of a swing bridge yesterday! HA! the tourists waiting in the queue were loving it.
Luckily the weather today was very good to the boys with the following wind and cycling past all the Lochs and over some impressive bridges was a treat for all.  Another long day 97 mile day for the cyclist again and an even longer one for Fi and I as we went on a 'quick' walk to check out a viewpoint...2 hours later and getting lost around some Scottish woods we managed to find the car again, to find that the boys had been at our next night's accommodation an hour earlier....

A lunch time stop on a grassy verge all got a bit too much for Dad (see photo!)

Last day cycling tomorrow!!


Sunday 22 August 2010

Day 7

Crainlarich to Loch Ness

Alex was told by the consultant to rest his hand for 3 months, so naturally after 3 days he decided he was fit enough to get back on his bike and carry on with the cycle! So with a bit of modification of Alex's bike the trio were off again...

The boys had the best cycle yet aparently through the Scottish Highlands with the wind behind them (reaching 20 kmph uphill!) for the main climb up to the ski and adventure resort of Glen Coe to be welcomed by a traditional Scottish Piper and some of the best mountain views. Their decent was slightly more challenging with some very strong cross winds but dispite this they all managed to stay aboard. 

A fantastic day had by all...

Saturday 21 August 2010

Day 6

Dumfries to Crianlarich

Day six greeted us with rain, rain and more rain to start off with - but today we had a family friend Tom Renn join Degsie and Sam as a guest cyclist, which was not only a welcome change but also completed the trio in Alex's absence.  The boys had a impressive cycle through some of Scotlands finest countryside and Dad quickly informed me that there was even some downhill sections.  The only hitch today was a cheeky tyre puncture on Sam's bike which they quickly sorted out.  One puncture in six days isn't bad going, so far...!

About 120 miles later the boys were home with another days cycle under their belts.  Big shout out to Tom who cycled like a pro and was a great company throughout the day

The support team managed a quick tour of Ballach Castle and Loch lomond which was simply spectacular.


Friday 20 August 2010

Lands End John O'Groats Day 5

Untitled by simple31 at Garmin Connect - Details

Day 5

Having survived most of the Northern towns and cities, today the boys finished off the rest of the England leg through some of the most spectacular countryside (much to Fi's relief..!) passed the Lake District with a couple of pauses in Penrith and Carlisle to break up the day, and attempting to fix a broken bike (luckily we have spares) Sam and Dad agreed that this was probably the most enjoyable day in terms of the terrain and most importantly the wind was behind them.  We are now in Dumfries and ready to take on SCOTLAND!!!

Alex's operation went to plan as he is back with us now...but not on a bike as yet...!

Many thanks to Babs, Dougie and James for their kind hospitality, the best lasagne going, and some amazing baby photos of Anna (priceless!)

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Day 4

Today's cycle was particularly hard for the boys in terms of going the right way; they had to navigate themselves through or around some the bright lights of Shrewsbury, Whitchurch, Warrington, Wigan and Preston eventually landing in tonight's stop of Lancaster. Sam was a little distraught with the sights he had to witness, having never been to this part of 'the North'. The actual cycle, apart from being very stop/start wasn't too demanding in terms of the amount of hills that had to be climbed. Georgie's flapjacks were a welcome treat at lunchtime.

A big thank you to John and Sally Codling for coming to support us...

Click on the Link Below for today's stats

Untitled by simple31 at Garmin Connect - Details

Tuesday 17 August 2010

LEJOG Leg 3 by simple31 at Garmin Connect - Details

LEJOG Leg 3 by simple31 at Garmin Connect - Details

Day 3...

Bristol to Shrewsbury

The boys set off today in the miserable rain to cover a further 100 odd miles through the Wye Valley eventually finishing off in Shrewsbury.  The going today was much less hilly than the previous days which the boys of course welcomed with open arms.  Some big mile stones included crossing a very windy Old Severn Bridge and of course into picturesque Wales where the rain passed and luckily no dramas today...!

Alex is back in Bristol tonight in time for surgery tomorrow - fingers crossed all goes well (ha...get it?!?)  The technical medical name for the type of injury Alex has sustained in his thumb is called a 'Bennett's Fracture', which is pretty funny, but it doesn't stop there, oh no - The doctor that is treating Alex is called Dr Bennett....which is all a bit too wierd for me!

P x

p.s. If you would still like to very kindly donate, its only a few clicks away - many thanks in advance.

energy Sam?!

Day two - and then there were two

Okehampton to Bristol leg

The hills in Devon proved to be relentless for Sam and Dad - but despite this they have had a fantastic day and covered a whopping 110 miles with equally as much climb as day one.  I asked Dad what the best part of his day was, and to quote "seeing you and Fi come around the corner with our lunch..."  sure. 

You'll notice that there is a distinct lack of Alex in todays blog, and that was because he spent the day in Bristol hospital seeing doctors and consultants about his hand.  It turns out that he has a broken and dislocated his right thumb and has surgery booked in for Wednesday in Bristol to bolt it back together again with a metal plate....! oh dear - so poor Alex is going to catch us up in a few days time...

Sunday 15 August 2010

Day 1

This blog is designed to give you all the events of our little trip from bottom to the top of the country by bike (or car), and today the first day was certainly eventful by all means...

The day begun at 3.00 am and we set off from the Ford in the packed car, full of kit, bikes, spare bikes, the world supply of food supplements which I don't really understand but remarkably we arrived in Lands End and the boys set off for what was going to be an absolute mission up the country...
....within two hours we had our first rescue call - now, I know a few of you have had bets on who would be the first to take a tumble and hot off the press I can reveal it was indeed ALEX! Sam describes it as 'overly heroic, superman dive over his brand new handle bars into the soft and cushioning A30', I blame a cats eye but you never know do you?  So after a serious dosage of road rash and a possible dislocated hand it still wouldn't sabotage his determination to finish the day. He is in Exeter A&E as we speak having an x-ray.  I'll keep you posted!

A big thank you to Penny and Fred who met us along the way for some much needed support...

Anyway a picture tells a thousand words and all that...

Miles: 101
Climb: 1650m
Average Speed: 16.9 mph
Hills: long and copious
Falls: 1

Thursday 12 August 2010

Team Bennett Bike Ride T-minus 3 days...

Team Bennett - Derek, Sam, Alex, with Fi and Polly (as the much needed back up support) will cycle from Lands End to John O'Groats, starting on the 15th August. 110 miles a day for 9 days - a tough cycle challenge by any standards. However, to add some excitement to the challenge, on the 10th day, we will also run up the 3 peaks (Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon)... in 24 hours! We have not heard of this challenge being completed back to back.

If you would like to keep up-to-date with our progress, I will upload some photos of the trails and tribulations on here every few days for your viewing pleasure throughout the trip...

Watch this space!
